About kimberly

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So far kimberly has created 30 blog entries.

Poem | Once A Bird Sometimes

Poem | Once A Bird Sometimes2025-02-16T19:34:29+00:00

Poems | in Sinister Wisdom

Poems | in Sinister Wisdom2025-02-14T02:20:59+00:00

Poem | Avocados

Poem | Avocados2025-02-14T02:16:30+00:00


Abstract floral sweet peas

This is one the most beautiful online journals, Plant-Human Quarterly. And I am grateful to the editor, Neil Shepherd, to working with me to clean up this poem for publication. I was inspired by my fury at the El Dorado Community Garden and a reading of Ross Gay’s poetry.   Here is a link to the journal and my poem. 



OMG! A Pushcart Nomination

Such an incredible honor to be nominated by The Los Angeles Press… and a surprise. This is an early poem I wrote a couple years back and put away until the call for submission on the theme of chains came through.   To the other new poets out there… what this reminds me is that you never know how a poem is going to land with people.  Submit submit!

Thank you Linda Ravenswood and The Los Angeles Press. <3

OMG! A Pushcart Nomination2023-12-01T17:21:20+00:00

Poem | And Like A Chain

Earlier in the summer I was published by the Los Angeles Press. The theme was The Chain and I sent in a poem that I wrote in a chain format called And Like a Chain.  It’s one of my favorite poems and I was happy it found a home with The Los Angeles Press, editor Linda Ravenswood.  🙂   Here is a link to the site you can purchase the issue I’m in. click here

Poem | And Like A Chain2023-11-21T19:09:45+00:00

Poems | Silver Screen Reflections: Writings on Film

I just received my copy of this anthology on cinema, “Silver Screen Reflections: Writings on Film,” edited by Kareem Tayyar. It is packed with poems, essays, and short fiction about the movies! I am so pleased to be included. If you want a copy for yourself or for your favorite movie-poet lover, it’s available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, among other places. My contributions are two poems: “City Limits” and “At The Drive-In.” I hope you enjoy them!

Poems | Silver Screen Reflections: Writings on Film2023-11-21T19:43:50+00:00

CIRCA Event | Writers at Work Reading

What an incredible reading!  The room was so friendly and supportive. They have great mics too.  But really I am so grateful to get to be a part of Writers at Work and grateful to Terry Wolverton and all she brings as a writer and teacher. For this reading we all selected a writer that inspired us as writers. I chose Frank O’Hara as my inspiration and read Poem (Lana Turner has Collapsed) and Why I’m Not a Painter.  The reason I selected him was because his Lana Turner poem was the first I ever did a close read on, in my first creative writing class, in my twenties.  And kind of like so many firsts, I have been chasing that feeling ever since.  I read several of my own pieces… mostly love and relationship themes.  My wife and crew were there in the audience and it felt good to be a part of this queer historical event and to be among so many people I admire.

CIRCA Event | Writers at Work Reading2023-11-21T19:50:20+00:00

Last Time I Played Softball

I was in Olympic Valley with some of the best poets alive.  What a feeling to be in the outfield waiting to catch a pop fly from Sharon Olds.  The borrowed glove. The surgical mask dropped. Victoria Chang in centerfield. I was always the kid chosen last for team sports. Here I could just join any team.  No rules! No strike outs!  Everyone cheers! We took home the silver pinecone an elf spray painted the day before. Second place felt great. It sits next to my bed and reminds me to just keep swinging.

Last Time I Played Softball2023-11-21T19:48:28+00:00

Reading | Curving In, June 3 2023

The other writers in this opening night series blew me away.  What a terrific way to spend my 63rd birthday… reading poems with friends. Thank you, Kiana, for organizing and inviting me to be a part of this inaugural reading.

Reading | Curving In, June 3 20232023-11-29T20:41:07+00:00
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