This is one the most beautiful online journals, Plant-Human Quarterly. And I am grateful to the editor, Neil Shepherd, to working with me to clean up this poem for publication. I was inspired by my fury at the El Dorado Community Garden and a reading of Ross Gay’s poetry. Here is a link to the journal and my poem.
Poem | And Like A Chain
Earlier in the summer I was published by the Los Angeles Press. The theme was The Chain and I sent in a poem that I wrote in a chain format called And Like a Chain. It’s one of my favorite poems and I was happy it found a home with The Los Angeles Press, editor Linda Ravenswood. 🙂 Here is a link to the site you can purchase the issue I’m in. click here
Poems | Silver Screen Reflections: Writings on Film
I just received my copy of this anthology on cinema, “Silver Screen Reflections: Writings on Film,” edited by Kareem Tayyar. It is packed with poems, essays, and short fiction about the movies! I am so pleased to be included. If you want a copy for yourself or for your favorite movie-poet lover, it’s available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, among other places. My contributions are two poems: “City Limits” and “At The Drive-In.” I hope you enjoy them!
Poem | Forgive Me, I Delete You
So grateful to be included in this final 50th edition issue of Nerve Cowboy. What a great publication. It was one of those magazines I aspired to be in after my professor introduced me to it. So it was with great hope I stamped and mailed my last submission and with great joy months later I receieved an acceptance letter from them.
Poems | Three Poems on A Moon of One’s Own
The inaugural issue of A Moon of One’s Own is out today! The editor, Shannon Phillip is amazing and has done a terrific job curating this first issue. And… I have three poems in it. Take a look here. But please look at the whole issue–it is luminous.
Poem | Temporal Shift
Thank you to Lynne Thompson and Patricia Smith for accepting this poem in Spillway #29. Get your copies here!